Sunday, October 14, 2012

Exciting News!

Image from Cozee Teas

I am really, really excited to announce that I have a new job! I will soon be working for a local tea company that you may have heard of: Stash Tea! I have been working in the coffee industry for eight years, so I guess it's time to do something a little different. I have always liked tea, so now I'm looking forward to learning something new! This job also provides me with almost full-time hours AND benefits! YAY!! This is especially good since I have my big trips coming up and I will have vacation time to help offset my being out of town for weeks at a time!

While I'm happy to soon be working so many hours and to have benefits, I think what I'm almost most excited about is that everyone I have met in the company, from my boss, to his boss, to her boss (the vice president!) is SO. NICE. Everyone I have met is outgoing, high energy, and fun, just like me! I really feel like I have found my people! When I found out that I had been hired I emailed my new boss, thanking him for hiring me and that I was looking forward to everything that was ahead. He replied back almost immediately with "Congratulations!!! I'm so excited that you're coming to play with us!" Eeeeeeee!!! Doing the happy dance!

I have been at my present job for a year and am thankful to have had the experience of working for them. Definitely wish them all the best and I look forward to buying from them in the future, because even though I'll be working for a tea company, this girl will always be a coffee lover!

So that's my exciting news! This past year has had its ups and downs and I'm happy that it will soon be on a more even keel. I am looking forward to working more hours and having a set schedule. Having steady income will be awesome! This past year because I was only working 15 hours a week at my main job, I was so hardcore about taking on every single amount of extra work that was offered to me from friends. I never knew if it was going to dry up and since I have such expensive trips to pay for, I really needed to bust my butt and make it happen! But now? Now I feel like I can relax a *little* bit. I no longer feel like I will have to take on everything. I will still be taking on all the extra work I can during the holiday season because it will be busy for my crafty friends and I would be foolish to let anything slide by because after the holidays it slows down for everyone, including Brittanys.

In 2013 I plan on doing the things that I didn't get to do the past two years. I spent the summer of 2011 in Alaska and didn't get to do some of the things I wanted to do (camping, kayaking) and saw Jonathan for a two week stint during that time. This year I was either working every weekend or didn't feel like I could justifiably spend the money on something because I needed to save it all. I missed out on camping (except for one time! yay!), kayaking (sigh, still haven't used my kayak I bought last year!), and doing day trips to the coast or the woods, because I didn't want to spend $50 in a whack for gas money.

2013 is going to be different and it's going to be awesome. Jonathan and I are going camping, kayaking, going back to Crater Lake, back to Bend for Deschutes and Bendistillery, and lots and lots of other adventures. I am ridiculously excited and ready for anything and everything!


  1. Congratulations!!! I actually love their tea! :) Very proud of you and your new adventure!!! Cheers, friend!!!

    1. Thank you!! I love their tea, too! (Obviously, ha ha ha!!) I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of discounts I can get. ;o)
