Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The last of my Alaska pictures

I've now been back from Ketchikan for a day and am back into the busy work, but on the Oregon side. I'm working at Old Navy every night this week after my normal day of work. While I'm tired of working this much, I'm really looking forward to paying for school! That's just what one has to do to make things happen. Doesn't mean it's fun, though. ;o)

Here are the rest of some of the pictures I took in Ketchikan, starting with the ones I found on my camera, which I took as I was leaving on Sunday morning:

 One of the AMH ferries. I wish I'd had time to take a nice picture because the ferry is done up with holiday lights strung on it and the Big Dipper is all lit. It's so cool!

 Looking toward the airport on Gravina

 Ketchikan airport

 Mountains on Gravina Is.

 Our cell tower, on top of the mountain

 Other side of Gravina

 Clouds and snowy mountains

So pretty!

So that's what was on my camera and now here's some from my cell:

 Yummy and pretty Midnight Sun Espresso Blend! Steve roasts each of the seven types of beans separately and then mixes them together at the end. Our MSEB is delicious and nice to look at!

 Heidi and I holiday-ized our sign

 Expensive, but delicious coffees!

 This is maybe forty pounds of coffee? I had to bag this up. I think you  can all imagine how awesome this smells!

 Ketchikan, from the sky

 Ward Cove (where the coffee shop is) is that circular little area in the center of the picture

 Pretty scenery behind our jet

 Brian with a sock on his hand! Playing Quelf at Murgen's!

 Another shot from Quelf

 The lovely and delicious meal Myrna prepared! Spinach salad with her own candied pecans and some veggie casserole with chicken apple sausage. It was basically amazing.

 The mobile Tim made us for the shop with old plugs. This is actually way bigger than it looks. It's awesome! I want one.

 My ginormous piece of blue cheese-encrusted halibut and steamed veggies. The piece is maybe 6"x4"? It's huge.

We all know rockfishes are my favorite. This is the rockfish picture from the Salmon Thirty Salmon.

I hope you enjoyed looking at my pictures. I wish I would have been able to get some pretty scenic shots while hiking, but since the point of this trip was for me to make money for school, working those nine and ten hour days had to happen. But I'll be heading back to Ketchikan in April, so lots of pretty shots to come!


  1. Great pictures anyway!! I always love seeing pictures from Ketchikan!! :o) I'm glad you had a good trip!


  2. Thank you! My friends that I played Quelf with actually live down the street from your old house! Whenever I drive by it I always think about riding bikes, climbing trees, and running around. We had so much fun!

  3. Really liked your shots from the airport and airplane; makes Alaska look as big as it sounds.

  4. Lovely photos! Take me to ketchickan next time!

  5. Krista, it really IS as big as it sounds! I wish I could convey just how "big" it really is, you know?

    Amy, you should go if you ever have the chance! I'll be going back next summer. Just sayin'! ;o)
