Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Little Things

It's the little things that make me the happiest. Since I've been at home so much the past few months, I've found that it really cheers me up to make my bed in the morning after I get up. Otherwise, every time I go into the bathroom or the hall I see a wadded-up pile of blankets. Making the bed takes just a minute and then looks nice every time I walk by.

What little things make you happy?


  1. Ooo, I like that duvet! Totally my style and it would look great w/ our indigo wall. Jealous... =)

  2. I am the same way! I just HAVE to make the bed when I get up... it starts off my day a little better..

  3. Jules, I got it from West Elm several years ago! It was originally something crazy, like $150+, which is so out of my price range for something that just covers a blanket, you know? It dropped to $60 on clearance, so I sprang for it. It makes me so happy to see it!

    Christine, it totally works! I always get up and stumble out in the apartment, making coffee and kind of getting my mind together, and then an hour or so later I'll walk by and go, "Oh! I need to make my bed!" It's funny how something that takes just a minute can make one happy all day. :o)

  4. I'm with you! I totally have to make the bed or else the whole day just feels lazy (and not in a good way) ;)
