Friday, December 31, 2010

Missing the snow and my chance to snowshoe

Don't get me wrong. I love Portland and all, but lately I have really been missing one of my most favorite things to do: snowshoe!

I have had L.L. Bean's Winter Walker snowshoes since 2004 and they are AWESOME.

Image from here. Buy them.

I have those snowshoes! For the price they are outstanding. Let me tell you, I have put hours upon hours on these snowshoes and they have never failed me. EVER. For $99 they are a steal, for real. I freaking love them and I haven't gotten to use them since the Snowpocalypse of 2008 here in Portland, where I got to snowshoe down Tillamook and around the park near my apartment. It is still one of my favorite Portland memories!

In honor of the snow, I bring to you some pictures of snowy goodness and snowshoeing!

Snowshoeing with my mom at Salvage Trail

Dude Mountain trail

 How are we all the same height? ;o)

Snowshoes, I heart you!

I have almost conquered Dude Mountain! Artoo, on the other hand, could have done without.

Ahhh, fresh air!

In 2009, Jonathan and I went to Anchorage to visit my mom and see the Iditarod (which was totally awesome!) and Jonathan got to snowshoe for the first time at my mom's cabin in Willow!

He's so much of a natural that I let him pull me. ;o)

We also put him to work hauling stuff to the cabin. Good job!

What is your favorite winter activity? Or do you live somewhere with awesome amounts of snow?

P.S. Wow, it's the last day of 2010! Craziness! I feel like I should have done some sort of epic "THIS WAS 2010" post with pictures of my favorite things that happened this year. I guess I can still do that, though, right? ;o)

I leave you with Jonathan and I's New Year's picture from 2007, a few months after we got together!

Woooooo!! Happy 2011, everyone!!


  1. I used to snowshoe all the time, but I haven't in years. This post makes me want to go right now.... but as it's midnight, I guess I'll restrain myself, haha.

  2. Aw, why'd you quit snowshoeing? I love the feeling when I'm out and it's quiet and I feel at one with nature.
